The muzzle brake that comes with this complete upper receiver is NOT pinned nor welded to this barrel.These products may be selected as add-ons under the Finish Your Build tab This complete upper does not include BCG or Charging Handle.Handguard: A2 Style Handguard, Rifle Length.Sights: A2 Detachable Carry Handle and A2 Front Sight Block w/ Bayonet Lug.If you do not have, or cannot access, a fixed carry handle of this type, you can buy a detachable A2 carry handle that attaches to more modern upper receivers. Barrel: 20" 5.56 NATO, Rifle Length, 1:7 Twist, 4150 Chrome Moly Vanadium, QPQ corrosion resistant finish The M16A2 upper receiver with fixed carry handle, A2 rear sight, brass deflector, and forward assist.If it works out like I think it will then I'm sure I'll buy another for the 6920.This AR15 Complete Upper is the same upper receiver used in our AERO M16A4 Special Edition Complete Rifle and features a 20" 5.56 Barrel w/ Pinned FSB, A2 Handguard and A2 Detachable Carry Handle. Thanks for posting this information on this A1 detachable carry handle. Looks retro, but with modern touches to keep familiarity with all my other modern AR's. It also comes with dual apertures, giving you the best in peep sight accuracy at both close-range and longer ranges. The A2 rear sight is fully adjustable for windage and elevation. Shipping & Returns Shipping & Returns Return Authorization is required for all returned merchandise. CNC Gunsmithing A1 Detachable Carry Handle As with Aero Precision's other products, this carry handle has outstanding mil-spec hard coat anodization. Now it isn't a correct clone of anything but it looks old school lightweight with practical modern touches. So a bit of googling came up with the CNC Gunsmithing A1 Detachable Carry handle which turned out to be beautifully machined and almost 4oz lighter than the Colt A2!

I also found an old Eagle(?) A2 grip with storage compartment and everything almost looked right except the Colt A2 handle I had on it still looked bulky. Until I dug out an old set of original carbine handguards. I switched twice between Magpul furniture and the original double M4 handguards and stock with both looking wrong to me. And if you have an A1 or A2 style rifle and want to attach an ACOG or other magnified. But the carry handle design stuck, even after the charging handle was relocated to the back of the receiver where it is now. Since I couldn't buy a full Colt 6720 here in CA I snapped up a 6720 upper when it came across the EE. The original ArmaLite M16 design elevated the sights as a result of the charging handle that stuck out the top of the upper receiver.